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Pippins Pre-School home page

Pippins Pre School


Welcome to Flyford Pippins and thank-you for considering us as a preschool for your child.


Coming to a pre-school for the first time can be a bewildering experience, so at Pippins we will provide you and your child with a very warm welcome. You and your child will feel safe, secure, happy and very well cared for. Positive, caring relationships based on trust and respect, are at the heart of our philosophy. We put our children at the centre of everything we do so that they learn, develop and grow into happy, confident children.


Our Pippins team is dedicated to providing high quality care and rich learning experiences for children aged from two to four years. They will ensure your child’s time in Pippins is full of fun and laughter with lots of learning through play along the way. They will engage with all of the children as individuals allowing them time to be listened to and ask questions, promoting their individual interests and supporting them as they find new challenges, continually encouraging them to actively explore the world around them.


Starting at pre-school can be an anxious time for both children and their parents / carers. Our team are experienced in helping children settle into their new environment and are there to support both the child and their parents / carers through this transition period. We will never leave a child who has become distressed, if we feel your child is not settling well, we will contact you and work together to assess how best to move forward for a smooth transition. We believe that by working in partnership with parents we will achieve the best possible outcome for each individual child.


If you have any questions or queries or would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us and speak to one of our team.


We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you and your family.

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