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Pippins Pre-School home page

Pippins Pre School




Our Pippins uniform is a blue polo shirt and fleece, these can be ordered with our Pippins logo on from and following the Flyford Pippins Link. A sun hat with neck cover and draw string bag are also available. 

In order for the children to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of activities we ask that children are dressed in clothes that are easily washable and not too new. To encourage independence in dressing and managing their own needs it is helpful for them to wear simple clothing that they can manage themselves, such as Velcro instead of laces.

Please can you ensure all of your child’s belongings are labelled, although staff are very good at identifying, which child has which shoes when presented with two pairs the same they don’t know which size belongs to who. Name labels can be ordered through if you use the code 35224 then Flyford Flavell Primary School will receive a percentage of each order back as a fundraising initiative.

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