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Pippins Pre School

Spring Term

Spring Term February - April 2024


Our topic this half term is Spring, Growing and Food. We enjoy time outside looking for signs of spring and will continue to explore the changes taking place around us as we move into Spring. We will plant some seeds to watch them grow and learn how to take care of them. We will explore where are food comes from, that some of it can be grown at home and other items come from far away. We will look at life cycles and think about how we have grown and changed. We will finish the term celebrating Easter.

Spring Term January - February 2024


This half term our topic is Traditional Tales and Our Favourite Stories, are key texts will include The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man and The Tiger Who came to Tea. We head in to forest school where we will look at the changes taking place, hopefully exploring some ice play and maybe making patterns in the frost. We will also celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Dragon, making paper lanterns and making Chinese drums.

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