Autumn Term
Autumn Term November - December 2023
This half term we are going to look at Autumn and Christmas including how different people celebrate Christmas. We are enjoying using our key texts to explore our topics; our key texts for this term are: Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, Stickman, Lost and Found, Father Christmas Needs a Wee, The Christmas Story, Babushka and The Jolly Christmas Postman. We are looking forward to creating our Santa's workshop and Christmas grotto.
Topic Web Autumn 2
Autumn Term September - October 2023
During the first half term at Pippins we are looking forward to covering the topics 'Themselves' and Autumn. The children will draw pictures of themselves and look at photos of when they were a baby, talking about the differences and similarities they can see. We will talk together about who is in our families and explore different ways our bodies can move.
We will create an Autumn display with collaged scarecrows and handprinted hedgehogs.