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Pippins Pre-School home page

Pippins Pre School

A Typical Day

A Typical Day


8.45am – 9.00am   -           Children arrive at Pippins 

9.00am                     -           Self registration

                                               Days of the week & weather

                                               Phase 1 phonics

                                               Sharing the Marvellous Me Box / news

9.20am                     -           Free play (inside & outside)

10.00am                   -           Morning snack (fruit & milk)

10.15am                   -           Free play (inside & outside)

                                               Focus activity

11.30am                   -           Story & song time

11.50am                   -           Lunch

12.15pm                   -           Quiet time with a book / audio stories

12.45pm                   -           Free play (inside & outside)

                                               Focus activity

2.00pm                     -           Afternoon snack (rice cake or breadstick & raisins)

2.15pm                     -           Free play (inside & outside)

2.45pm – 3.15pm   -           Home time

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